A Guest Day In the Shop
  Some days are low pressure fun days. This was one of them.  

Wax On

Some days you only start to take pictures after you've let a lot of good stuff go by. Here we see Mike waxing the buckle to remove buffing residue and to lube the bail that holds the buckle on the belt.


My wife told me never to photograph a buckle *ON* a person. I've learned to take her advice. Here Mike shows his handiwork. The buckle was forged from 3/16ths down to about 3/32nds thick and has some nice hammered texture. The height is about 2.25 inches and it 3.25 inches wide. Mike's finish is really nice.


Hammered Buckle

If I didn't know better, I'd say it looks like hammered silver.

  All Images and words ©WJG 2000-2007. All use in any media prohibited without the express written consent of the owner.